
Rapid approaching fog along the Lochside Trail in Saanich ©

Rapidly approaching fog bank on Saanich farms and the Lochside Trail on Sunday. Like many images, this first image was shot with a 1/3 foreground (the green field), 2/3 background (tree line, fog, sky). The wind was bending the trees as the fog rolled in.

Technical: Automatic iPhone 14 Pro Max, handheld, ISO 80, 1/6000 sec, f/1.8

The image above (an irrigation sprinkler as a strong leading line with a 2/3 foggy background) was shot towards Isle View Beach.

Bike riders went by and I let them get close to the tree line before taking the shot. Again a strong leading line takes the viewer down the trail and to the distant tree line.

Approximately 5 minutes of photographing (with the phone on automatic), one last image on my way back to the bike. (leading line pointing towards the approaching fog, approximately equal foreground/background).